Don't Discuss Personal Matters In Front of Your smart TV, Here's What You Should Know

This is creepy? Yeah i know.
I had recently blogged on how one could convert a dumb TV into a smart TV and now here's a very creepy news on why shouldn't discuss bedroom matters in the sitting room.

Since everything is becoming ioT (internet of Things) inclined, the world would experience a lot of change in an obnoxiously and abrupt manner. Let's keep out the good first, the Con's would be outrageously daunting, forgive my banter, but I'm shook and angry at the same time..
When will we get to experience real privacy.

Like it can pick up voice conversations from the background, like a secret listening device planted without your notice, but this time you planted it.

Below is a grab from Twitter, The user explains that in Samsung's smart TV Privacy and policy terms, it was advised that you keep the secrets off the sitting rooms, of course your home discussions are somewhat private, in fact confidential, but not with a smart TV in there.

Well i believe the voice pickup can be achieved when fully connected the internet.

If your smart TV can do this, better be a saint with your smartphones, you might not know,  but hey! there might just be a snitch on the other end. Be alarmed 📢

What's your thought on this?

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